Saturday, April 4, 2015

Three Vegetable Black Bean Pasta

I have come to love using Tolerant Gluten Free Pastas. Not only do they hold up well to cooking and reheating but also they are organic, non-GMO, high in protein, and high in fiber. This pasta is ideal for a vegan and vegetarian! For someone that does not eat much meat, I know that I am getting protein that I need when I have a bowl of Tolerant pasta with some vegetables!

Base Ingredients:
2 Bell Peppers (I used yellow but you can use what you prefer or a variety)
4-6 Cloves of Garlic (depending on size)
1/2 Red Onion
1/2 Cup Low Sodium Vegetable Broth
2 TBSP Butter
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
2 Cups Black Bean Tolerant Pasta
Garnish...basil or rosemary...fresh if available

Different vegetables can be substituted for the onion, garlic, and bell peppers. Squash and Zucchini would work well with the black beans. Mushrooms would be a good addition as well.

Use a mandolin or knife to cut peppers and onions into small pieces.
Chop the garlic into small pieces.
HINT: You wish the size of the vegetables to be approximately the size of the pasta noodles.
Add the vegetables to a pan with the vegetable broth. Cook until broth is almost gone.
Add butter and olive oil.
Remove from heat.

Prepare the black bean pasta according to the directions on the box.
Once done and strained, add to the pan with the vegetables.
Add heat again and stir to combine ingredients.
HINT: If I know I will NOT have leftovers, I use the cooking instructions on the box. If I know I will have leftovers, I reduce the cooking time by 1 - 2 minutes to produce a slightly al dente pasta.

Put in a bowl or platter to serve. Garnish with fresh basil or rosemary.

Add additional protein such as fresh chicken tenders (the one sin the picture have a CUMIN RUB, fish such as salmon, or cheese and nuts.

Serving Suggestion:
You may with to serve with a salad as a side or a gluten free roll.

HINT: When deciding a sauce for your pasta, decide what you wish to highlight...the ingredients or the sauce. My focus was on the ingredients so I chose a light oilve oil and butter sauce that would coat the food, not overpower it!