Sunday, July 5, 2015

Nutella Brownies in 5 Ingredients or Less

On a hot summer day a quick dessert is a requirement. One does not want to heat the house too much with the oven on for long periods of time when the thermostat is near triple digits. Nutella brownies can be made quickly and take under 30 minutes to cook! Brownies can be “cake like” or “fudge like”. These turn out to be more “cake like”.

Base Ingredients:
1 1/4 Cup Nutella
2 Eggs (Room Temperature)
1/2 Cup Gluten Free Baking Flour (I use Bob’s Red Mill)

1/2 Cup Ground Flax seed Meal (I use Bob’s Red Mill)
Walnuts … option as a stir-in and/or a garnish

Preheat oven to 350
Spray an 8x8 or 9x9 baking dish
Combine all ingredients and transfer to a prepared baking dish
Cook until knife inserted in center comes out clean

Serve with coffee or tea or accompany with frozen yogurt or ice cream